Note early-style small windscreen
Morris CS8, 0.75-ton, 4x2, Light Truck
In British service
Morris CS8, 0.75-ton, 4x2, Light Truck
The 15 cwt CS8 Morris-Commercial was first developed in 1934 because Great Britain's War Department needed a general purpose vehicle.
Using the specs outlined by the War Department, the Morris Car Company designed a truck using many of the components from their 1933 civilian 'C series' range.

The newly designed truck was designated CS8, (S denoting 6 cylinder and 8 standing for the wheel base of approximately 8 feet ) it had a short stubby appearance with a high ground clearance.
The original CS8 design evolved into three Series, the Mark I, II & III.
The early CS8 had a small windscreen and canvas doors. These were replaced by a full windscreen and metal skinned half doors in 1941.

The CS8 became the workhorse of the British Army and many fell into German hands at Dunkirk, Crete and North Africa where they were equally welcomed as a fine example of British craftsmanship.

Dunkirk aftermath : Captured Morris lined up
In German service on Crete...
... and with the D.A.K. in the Libyan desert
Note unchanged so-called "Caunter" camouflage painting
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Last Updated: December 05, 2010