The Sd.Kfz.234/4 was a final attempt to provide troops with mobile anti-tank gun in an attempt to improve the desperate war Situation in December of 1944.
Sd.Kfz.234/4 was based on Sd.Kfz.234/3 with modified superstructure and armed with 75mm Pak 40 L/46 anti-tank gun with limited traverse and elevation.
Only 36 rounds of ammunition were stored inside along with single 9mm MP was provided for crew defence.
The vehicle was heavier than its predecessors.
Production of the vehicle unofficially nicknamed Pak- or Kanonen-Wagen started in December of 1944 and some 90 were produced by Buessing-NAG until April of 1945.
New vehicles were mostly issued as replacements to new and refitted units including 1