...adding the effective
...adding the immortable
...adding the reliable Canadian
...adding the "Queen of the Desert"
...adding the superb
...the best field gun of WW2
...starting with the huge
...starting with the rare
...updated the "Queen of the Desert"
...added the superb
...added the 75mm surprise
...added the mighty
...added the well armoured
...added the fast and reliable
Here I will post some WIPs, photos and questions for you to comment and discuss.
Feel free to make your entries on the "Engines of WW2" and, hopefully, enjoy !
Welcome to my new site on "Engines of the Western Allies" !
After drawing tons of vehicles of Western origine on my two other sites
I decided to mount an extra site dealing with their use in the Western armies.
As always, comments are appreciated.
And most of all : Have fun !!!